kiddies Chat

To manage time well, avoid procrastination

Hello children!

How are you doing? I hope we have all settled into school and its activities? Remember to always pay attention. Also remember that hard work pays and we have to strive to always be the best.

This week, we will be looking at something very important- TIME. Time is infinite and your future success depends on how well you use your time. How well do you manage your time? If you are like many of us, your answer may be “Not too well.” Why? Most likely because we spend most of our time playing and watching tv.

If you manage time properly by planning, you will find the right balance between your studies, leisure and rest time. You will also effectively accomplish the things that matter most in your life. On top of that, you reduce your stress level and feel a lot happier. This means the key to managing your time well is planning.

When you plan your time, you are most likely to strike a balance in your life. That way, you don’t waste time doing unnecessary things. You have to start by asking yourself what you want to become in life. What are the things that can help you become such person? Those are what you should focus your time on. Then you prioritise. Start with important things. Write out your daily to-do list and set reminders. You can use your jotter if you don’t have a phone yet. Carry your jotter around so you can always remember. To manage your time well, you should also avoid procrastination. Do all you have to do when they should be done.

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Don’t say you will do it later. You will end up having pile of work undone. Also, minimise distractions. If you allow distractions, you will end up spending longer time doing a task and you have some tasks undone at the end of the day. Remember to always motivate yourself. When you get tired, remind yourself what you want to become in future and why you must learn to manage your time well. An adage says, “Time is money.” So you have to make judicious use of your time.

If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters one of which is time management.
Once you can master the use of your time, you are several steps to becoming the great person you want to be. Yes! You can be the best you want to be.

Aunty Ugo loves and wish you the best!


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