kiddies Chat

Cleanliness is key to staying healthy

Hello children,

How are you doing? How was school this week? I hope we are being good children and listening to our teachers? Remember to always pay attention in class and ask your teachers what you don’t understand. Also, remain obedient to your parents and elders always.

Today, we will be looking at cleanliness. Germs are everywhere. They cause us to fall ill. When we are ill, we will be taken to the hospital and given drugs or injection. I sure know we don’t like injections. Therefore, we have to do our best as children to avoid these germs so that we do not fall ill. How can we avoid germs? We can avoid germs by simply practicing cleanliness. Cleanliness simply means being clean or practicing to be kept clean. It means to be free from dirt, germs and waste products. You maintain cleanliness by avoiding dirt and staying clean. We need to keep ourselves clean to remain healthy and to feel good about ourselves. Good personal hygiene will help boost your self-esteem and confidence.

Basic cleanliness rules include; always washing our hands with soap and water especially after using the toilet, avoid touching your face unnecessarily with your fingers, not sharing drinks and covering your mouths when you sneeze or cough. Also, flush the toilet after use. Don’t throw dirt or litter on the floor. Brush your teeth twice a day. Take your bath at least twice a day too. Always put them in the waste bin. Dust your feet on foot mats if there are any. Wash your hands before eating. Clear and clean your table after eating. Mop the floor if you spill anything on it. Keep your nails short. Wear clean clothes. If we practice these basic rules, we will see that we will be free of germs and barely fall ill. We must always maintain good hygiene because it is very important.

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You will find out that once you start practicing these basic cleanliness rules, you will rarely fall ill. Overall, just try to always be neat. People will want to be friends with you if they find out that you are a neat person. Remember also that cleanliness is next to godliness.


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