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Words of affirmation builds your self-esteem

Hey dearie. How are we doing today? How was our week? I trust you are doing great!

Do you know that action does not always speak louder than words? Sometimes words are more powerful. Today, we will be discussing words of affirmation and how they can help our self esteem. Words of affirmation are simply words that help to reinforce something. There can be so many ‘voices’ in your head telling you that you don’t measure up to standard.

That you can’t be great. That you can’t be what you want to be and so much more. When you start to listen to the voices, your self esteem begins to depreciate till you find yourself living with low self esteem. However, it is up to you to believe them or challenge them. How can you do this? By affirming to yourself that you can do much more than those voices are saying. Words of affirmation will help build and give you a healthy self esteem.

Our words have such power, especially when it comes to words of affirmation. Consistently showering ourselves with words of affirmation is an essential part of living intentionally. This is especially true when it comes to the words we choose to speak to ourselves even when nobody is listening.

We all have a very powerful subconscious mind that controls every aspect of our lives and when we fail to achieve what we desire, it happens due to the limiting beliefs present in our subconscious mind. So, we need to quit listening to those ‘voices’ in our head and counter them with our words of affirmation.

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In writing out your affirmations, remember that it should not be about a future state and there should be no competition about it. Your affirmation should not contain words that represent something that you want to happen in the future. When you use affirmations for a future event where you will have something that you don’t have right now, your inner mind will make sure that it will remain a thing of the future.

Our mind starts believing what we repeatedly think or say. Below are a few powerful positive affirmations for us because when you are in the process of learning something, you want to make maximum use of your mind’s abilities for accomplishing your goals:

• My mind’s ability to learn and remember is increasing every day.
• I am very good at gaining knowledge and making proper use of it.
• I am a very quick learner.
• I have a sharp mind that makes me a very good student and helps me grow in my potential.
• I am obedient to my elders and my parents love me.
• My mind absorbs and processes new information with greater speed.
• I have a winner’s mindset and I accomplish all my goals because my true potential is limitless.
• I treat others with kindness and show love always.
• I choose to move forward everyday, growing and learning as I go.
• I can learn anything. I can know anything. I can be anything.

I want you to try saying all these affirmations and find out the one that invokes some strong positive emotions in you because we can only alter our subconscious programming using the language of feelings. You can then go ahead to write out your words of affirmation and personalise it. Say it everyday. You will see that gradually, your self esteem becomes unbeatable because you now believe more in yourself.


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