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Grooming routine checklist for men

Hygiene is one of those things everyone is expected to know but no one ever talks about. There’s more to it than just wearing deodorant and rinsing with mouthwash. Good hygiene is critical not only to overall men’s health but also to being successful in life.
There are some serious hygiene habits that shouldn’t be missed from the average male’s daily routine.

Brush and floss every day
Invest three minutes of your time into proper dental hygiene. Brush twice a day, floss once. Even if you’re tired and ready to go to bed, make the effort to get it done. Include tongue scraping into your routine, too. That really helps in decreasing bad breath. The freshness of your breath is the ambassador of your words.

Trim armpits
If hair is poking out of short-sleeve shirts, or creating a bush when you’re wearing a tank top, it’s time to take action and shave those armpits.

Wear good deodorant
Whether it’s using deodorant or antiperspirant, many men don’t follow this simple guideline as frequently as they should. A deodorant gets rid of odour caused by sweating, while antiperspirants actually stop and dry up perspiration. The best thing to do is to look for an antiperspirant/deodorant combination and make sure the fragrance isn’t too overpowering.

Keep your nails trimmed
Keep your fingernails trimmed always. Don’t chew them; gnawed up nails are not attractive. Get a simple nail clipper and give your nails a quick trim once a week before you hop into the shower

Unkempt Beards and Mustaches
There’s nothing wrong with keeping your beards as long as your workplace allows them, but not a messy one. Just go lightly over the edges of your facial hair with a trimmer and the appropriate guide comb, cutting everything back to a uniform length and making sure the outline is nice and crisp.

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Take care of your clothes
The greatest outfit in the world would look awful if it wasn’t washed and ironed. Keeping your clothes in good condition is a very important part of looking good on a regular basis.


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